We provide many amenities, like a solarium with a spectacular view of beautiful Storm Lake.
We provide made from scratch meals and pastries, snacks, and activities for your enjoyment. It is our sincere hope, that this is as close to home as you can possibly get.
Methodist Manor Dietary Department prides itself on providing levels of care above that of the state code. Residents are able to choose from a variety of menu options and are not expected to follow a set menu as many other nursing homes choose to use.
Residents are provided special requests on their menus to enjoy custom foods that they enjoy and crave that many other care facilities do not. An example of this is having a medium rare sirloin and a beer or honey pepper salmon and a glass of wine at supper.

- Individual heat & A/C
- Flat screen televisions
- Basic cable
- Telephone service
- Wireless internet
- Electric beds
- Dressers, night stands, and comfortable chairs
- Barber beauty shop
- Laundry services
- Mail delivery
- Therapy services
- Rehab services
- Activity room
- Housekeeiping